Add and Edit Groups
Posted by jonb - Mar 27, 2012 Administration, Manage Groups 0 0 Views : 1292 Receive Updates For This Category
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Jan 30, 2020
Groups are a great way to save time. If your currently have multiple media player that are all playing the same topic videos, assign them to a group! Topics will then be assigned directly to the group. Any media players assigned to the group will be updated automatically.
From Mediplay Connect: Administration » Manage Groups
The media players in your network will be listed on the Manage Groups page, organized according to their group. If a player is not in a group, it will be listed under “Players NOT in a Group.
To add a media player to a group, locate the media player in the list, and then select the desired group name in the drop down menu to the right of the player name. Then, click Add.
To remove a single player from a group, click Remove from this Group in the same row as the player.
If you would like to add players to this group, you may select them at the bottom of the page. Otherwise, simply click Save.
Edit an existing group by clicking Edit in same row as the group name. Change the name of the group and/or unselect players from a group, click Save.
Note: Although topics can be added to groups, custom messages will continue to be scheduled to media players separately. Also, only Subscriber Admins can add/edit Groups.