How to Create a Provider Bio

Article Tools

Sample provider bio.

From Mediplay ConnectContent » Custom » Add Custom Content » (choose area of screen).

If you are adding a Provider Bio message to the Main Zone, choose Main Content. For the Side Bar, choose Side Bar Content. Then choose, Create New Content.

From Template Categories,  choose the Mediplay Templates category (for older versions, choose either Circles, Emerald, Grid or Pastels). Then, choose Provider Bio. This template features one photo of the provider and two rotating text fields for the Main Zone and one photo and three text fields for the Side Bar.

The following example is for a Main Zone template.

Note: detailed instructions are located inside the page.

  1. Name: Dr. Wike’s Bio
    Give your slide a name. This will not appear on screen. Be as detailed as possible.
  2. Provider Name: Donna Wike, M.D.
    This will appear in bold at the top of your slide.
  3. Provider Title: Ophthalmologist
    This will appear in lighter text below the provider’s name.
  4. Upload and then crop your provider bio image  (.jpg, .png, .gif formats only).
  5. Provider Info 1: Dr. Wike has been practicing Ophthalmology in Raleigh, N.C. for 16 years.
    This information will play onscreen for 15 seconds, then switch to Provider Info 2.
  6. Provider Info 2: She loves working with children and is currently taking new patients.
    This information will play onscreen for 15 seconds, then switch back to Provider Info 1.
  7. Color (drop-down list): Select your background color. Examples of each are shown on the templates instructional page.
  8. Assign to Selected Players (drop-down list): Select the players on which you would like this slide to play.
  9. Click Save.

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