What’s on your TV?
Posted by maryann - Apr 22, 2013 0 Views : 2725 Receive Updates For This Category
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Apr 22, 2013
What’s on your TV?
(WARNING: This is a negative ad campaign. If you are fond of soap operas, game shows, talk shows, non-stop news, and the home shopping channel, you may be offended.)
If you have cable TV in your waiting area and your office is open from 9am to 5pm, there is a strong possibility that you are paying a monthly fee to broadcast questionable content and advertise products and services that you don’t offer to your loyal, hard-won clients.
You never really know what’s going to be showing on your TV. Sure you might know what talk shows are aired on that selected channel, but you can’t guarantee that the content will be applicable or even appropriate.
The last time I sat in the waiting room at a large university hospital, I was forced to listen to Sharon Osborn talk about being a dominatrix and joining the Mile High Club. Then I got a lesson on “How to make my kitchen countertops the best height for sex.” I didn’t watch, but I couldn’t escape the noise.
Now if you have your TV tuned into Dr. Phil, or Dr. Oz, or Dr. Sanjay Gupta, my question to you is: Why would you give another doctor the privilege of giving advice to your patients? You’re the expert that they’ve come to see!
Even if you choose a news channel, the news is generally upsetting and fear-inducing. If someone sits in your waiting area and hears about how bad the economy is, good luck getting them to book an elective procedure or buy any of your products. They’re just going to go buy another lock for their door and then hide their money under their mattress.
Bottom line is: daytime TV has no place in a reputable doctor’s office.
A much smarter alternative is to disconnect the cable and put that money toward your own in-house network. With Mediplay, you control everything that goes on your screen. You tell your patients exactly what you want them to know about. You advertise your products and services. You position your doctors as experts and your care as superior. You can show videos of patient testimonials, interviews or procedure demonstrations. You can display your before and after photos, special events and promotions and educate them about the medical topics that are relevant to your practice. You can even sell ad space to area businesses!
Don’t harass your patients any longer with worthless daytime television. And stop letting others advertise to your patients on your clock and on your dime! Do everyone a favor by installing Mediplay.