Permanently Delete Custom Messages

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If you would like to permanently delete custom messages from your network, you must first ensure that the custom message has been removed from all media players.

To delete a custom message permanently from your system, follow the steps below:

From Mediplay Connect: Content » Custom » Manage Templates

You will be presented with a list of ALL of your custom messages for the Main Zone and Sidebar, for all players. Listed next to each message you will find the area of the screen the message is playing, the template name/type, as well as the number of instances currently scheduled. Using the name as a reference, locate the template that you would like to delete. Click View to be sure it is the custom message you would like to delete permanently, then click Delete. If the custom message is not being used by any of your players, you will be asked to confirm that you would like to delete this custom message, select Ok.

If the custom message is currently in use, you will be presented with the associated player names. We recommend that you remove it from these players first, then return to this page in order to permanently delete it. However, you may delete it anyway by clicking Delete Template and following the prompts.

Note: If you delete a custom message permanently before removing it from your playlist, a blank space may temporarily appear in your programming.

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